[8/26]工芸「音の風景」ーCRAFT SOUNDSCAPESー
内木 洋一 YOICHI NAIKI [日本] / PPTV [日本] / 池田 義文 YOSHIFUMI IKEDA [日本] / 瀧 英晃 HIDEAKI TAKI [日本]
8月26日(土) 時間 14:45〜15:45
場所 : まさかりどんの館 (千年未来工藝祭 シンポジウム会場) 福井県越前市高瀬2丁目7−81
千年未来工藝祭では2019年から、伝統工芸の文化継承の新しい創造表現を模索し、CRAFT SOUNDSCAPES[クラフトサウンドスケープス]という、ものづくりの際に生じる工房での作業音や、古くから伝わる作業唄を掘り起こし、音楽家やアーティスト、映像クリエイター達の手で、ものづくりの現場で録音した音を用いて、ミュージシャンが楽曲を生み出し、現場で撮影した映像と組み合わせて作品を生み出してきました。
Crafts “Craft Soundscapes
Yoichi Naiki [Japan] / PPTV [Japan] / Yoshifumi Ikeda [Japan] / Hideaki Taki [Japan] Saturday, August 26 Time: 14:45-15:45
Venue: Masakari-don no Yakata (Millennium Future Crafts Festival Symposium venue) 2-7-81 Takase, Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture At the Millennium Future Crafts Festival
from 2019,We will explore new creative expressions of cultural inheritance of traditional crafts,CRAFT SOUNDSCAPES is a project to discover the sounds of work in the workshop and traditional work songs created in the process of craftsmanship,Musicians, artists, and video creators will create music using sounds recorded at the site of craftsmanship and combine them with video footage shot at the site, in order to create music from the sounds of work in the workshop and work songs that have been passed down from generation to generation in the process of craftsmanship.
A trilogy of Echizen washi paper, Echizen hammered blades, and Echizen chests was completed. Based on those completed trilogies, the artist will talk about the secret story of their production.